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Blyth's Blog: A Technical Architect's Musings

Blending Bytes and Balance - Tech Tales with a Twist of Martial Arts, Hobbies, and Family Life

Optimizely release SaaS CMS

Optimizely release SaaS CMS

Discover the future of content management with Optimizely SaaS CMS. Enjoy seamless updates, reduced costs, and enhanced flexibility for developers and business practitioners. Boost your digital strategy with enterprise-grade security and an improved...
1 Minute Read
Wed, 17th Jul 24
Is Optimizely CMS PaaS the Preferred Choice?

Is Optimizely CMS PaaS the Preferred Choice?

As always, it depends. With it's comprehensive and proven support for complex business needs across various deployment scenarios, it fits very well to enterprise needs. And you should always choose based on your needs, not on hype or buzzwords. If you...
2 Minute Read
Thu, 2nd May 24
Why C# Developers Should Embrace Node.js

Why C# Developers Should Embrace Node.js

Explore why C# developers should embrace Node.js especially with Optimizely's SaaS CMS on the horizon. Understand the shift towards agile web development and how mastering Node.js can open up new opportunities in the evolving digital landscape.
2 Minute Read
Wed, 3rd Apr 24
Setting Up Optimizely on Aspire: A Developer's Walkthrough

Setting Up Optimizely on Aspire: A Developer's Walkthrough

Explore the step-by-step guide to setting up Optimizely with dotnet aspire and C# 8.0, tailored for developers seeking to enhance their digital projects. Dive into my comprehensive walkthrough on the Optimizely Aspire GitHub repository.
2 Minute Read
Wed, 31st Jan 24
Why every web developer should have k6 installed

Why every web developer should have k6 installed

Discussing the benefits of local load testing, and how k6 can also be used for regression/integration testing
3 Minute Read
Thu, 18th Nov 21
Running Optimizely 12 on a Mac

Running Optimizely 12 on a Mac

Now that Optimizely 12 runs on .NET 5 it can be run on a Mac, and with most front enders using Macs, I thought it might be useful to demonstrate the steps on how to get it up and running on a Mac.
1 Minute Read
Wed, 13th Oct 21
Default Values in Contentful

Default Values in Contentful

Finally default values have been added as an option in Content Models in the Contentful CMS
1 Minute Read
Wed, 8th Sep 21
New site for Wife of a Geek

New site for Wife of a Geek

Also built on Contentful and Azure Cognitive Search
1 Minute Read
Fri, 23rd Jul 21
How to open rich text links in a new tab in Contentful.net

How to open rich text links in a new tab in Contentful.net

Contentful doesn't have an option to choose a target for links in a rich text field (yet), so for now I assume that external links should be opened in a new tab. This is achieved with an IContentRenderer.
4 Minute Read
Thu, 22nd Jul 21
Optimizely (Episerver) Content Cloud Exam - My Tips

Optimizely (Episerver) Content Cloud Exam - My Tips

After sitting the exam, I thought I would document some of the ways I prepared for the exam, and what I found most useful out of the material.
1 Minute Read
Mon, 28th Jun 21
Optimizely (Episerver) Content Cloud Certification

Optimizely (Episerver) Content Cloud Certification

This week I successfully passed my Optimizely (formerly Episerver) Content Cloud certifcation.
1 Minute Read
Thu, 24th Jun 21
Improving Contentful Search with Azure Cognitive Search

Improving Contentful Search with Azure Cognitive Search

Contentful does have some basic search functionality, but it is quite limited and quite difficult to implement (at least in .net). So leveraging Contentful webhooks I decided to index the data into Azure Cognitive Search service.
3 Minute Read
Tue, 15th Jun 21
Tagging in Contentful

Tagging in Contentful

Contentful have recently introduced tagging, I think this is a really important step forward for the headless CMS.
2 Minute Read
Tue, 20th Apr 21
Can you have emoji's in URLs?

Can you have emoji's in URLs?

Can emoji's be used in URLs, page titles and meta data? 🤔😂😂
1 Minute Read
Thu, 8th Apr 21
Mediator Design Pattern for CMS builds

Mediator Design Pattern for CMS builds

My approach to dynamic CMS content using Mediatr (and Automapper)
1 Minute Read
Fri, 19th Feb 21
Generating testable content in Episerver

Generating testable content in Episerver

A simple episerver project with a couple of basic page types to show how an Initializable Module can be used to generate pages that QA and UAT teams can use during their testing/sign off process. I have used Bogus and Waffle to generate realistic...
1 Minute Read
Mon, 4th Jan 21
My go-to nuget packages

My go-to nuget packages

A categorised list of nuget packages that I tend to use in most projects. Covers data access, business logic, and presentation packages.
3 Minute Read
Sat, 12th Dec 20
Episerver - Initial thoughts

Episerver - Initial thoughts

After primarily working with SDL Tridion for the past 5 years (along with Contentful) and prior to that Umbraco. I have recently started working with Episerver, and I wanted to give my initial thoughts on it. After starting the training/certification I...
2 Minute Read
Wed, 25th Nov 20
C# 9.0 - Blurring the lines between object oriented programming and functional programming

C# 9.0 - Blurring the lines between object oriented programming and functional programming

There are two basic types of programming languages, object-oriented and functional, what happens with these worlds collide?
3 Minute Read
Tue, 24th Nov 20
Sitemap Driven Load Test

Sitemap Driven Load Test

A nice script I put together to do load testing based on the contents of a sitemap.
1 Minute Read
Tue, 27th Nov 18
SDL Topology Generator

SDL Topology Generator

My solution to the writing SDL Web Topology Powershell scripts
1 Minute Read
Wed, 5th Apr 17