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Blyth's Blog: A Technical Architect's Musings

Blending Bytes and Balance - Tech Tales with a Twist of Martial Arts, Hobbies, and Family Life

Optimizely release SaaS CMS

Optimizely release SaaS CMS

Discover the future of content management with Optimizely SaaS CMS. Enjoy seamless updates, reduced costs, and enhanced flexibility for developers and business practitioners. Boost your digital strategy with enterprise-grade security and an improved...
1 Minute Read
Wed, 17th Jul 24
Default Values in Contentful

Default Values in Contentful

Finally default values have been added as an option in Content Models in the Contentful CMS
1 Minute Read
Wed, 8th Sep 21
New site for Wife of a Geek

New site for Wife of a Geek

Also built on Contentful and Azure Cognitive Search
1 Minute Read
Fri, 23rd Jul 21
Mediator Design Pattern for CMS builds

Mediator Design Pattern for CMS builds

My approach to dynamic CMS content using Mediatr (and Automapper)
1 Minute Read
Fri, 19th Feb 21
Episerver - Initial thoughts

Episerver - Initial thoughts

After primarily working with SDL Tridion for the past 5 years (along with Contentful) and prior to that Umbraco. I have recently started working with Episerver, and I wanted to give my initial thoughts on it. After starting the training/certification I...
2 Minute Read
Wed, 25th Nov 20